Thursday, August 28, 2008

-intRoducing: me!-

"who in the world am i to write and publish myself on the web??"
itu pikiran gw selama berbulan2 tiap diajak bikin blog sm orang..
definitely not an artist,, not someone popular either,,
not pretty, not that hot, not that happening in terms of social life..
never travel anywhere,, never took an adventure course,,,
not a participant of any social community moving in any fields or what so ever...
what the hell do i have to wrote in this blog thing if i'm not all that??

totally shallow!!!
so what if i'm not all that...
i'm not writing for anyone else anyways...
(and i shouldn't if i'm not getting paid for it... haha!)
that's one reason i named this page unsubstantialmonologue..
coz i think i'm free to write about all the stuff i want to talk about.. atleast to myself.. xD
(atleast i'll find it amusing and attractive, right?)

lets see...
i'm all of that above,, and what else yap??

sbnernyaa yaa,,
i always think that the open command of -- "tell me about urself.."-- in any conversation is haaaaard!!!
don't you??
honestly, how many of you twenty something people out there knows how to answer this comprehensively???
should we start with ourselves? family backgrounds? studies? competencies? traits? strength? weakness?
what?? how?? aaarghh,,, xC

truth is;
i hardly know myself..
(and that's maybe the reason why i keep sooo many good friends around yap?? maybe i'm secretly hoping they would remind me of who i am incase i forgot.. haha!)

what i do know is..
i'm searching for me,,,
all of those hopes and dreams and God knows what else i should have within me in this unclear life...

WRiTiNG,,, dear folks and readers,,
always has its way of helping me sort things out in life,
sometimes,, (well, most of the times siy,,)
somehow,, it made me feel that i've wrote my problems away...
its like unconciously, i'm re-analyzing the things i had in mind when i wrote,
then i tend to find my answers..
hoo.... sangat canggihlah pokoknyaa!! xp

and that's one other reason i made this web-wide monologues...
see, the problems with diaries and all is we mean to keep it for ourselves,,
(yaiyalaaah,, that's the whole point of diaries and journals jg bukannya, dul?? xp)

well i guess i'm tired of hiding myself from the world..
i'm lost anyways in that search alone... xp

lets just see if i can sort me out if i atleast have had the guts to post now.. xp

so world,,
introducing the one and only..

any questions??