Thursday, October 16, 2008

laskaR pelangi harUs sekOlaaaH!

for the last weeks,,
gw udah jungkir balik mikir soal s2 yg mau gw ambil..

i never thought in my life,, that i would actually have a shot to take another degree..
it really sounds to good..
just to think of me having another shot in fixing my grades at campus..
(which also means hopefully i will have a higher stepping stone for career life!!hahaaaa...)

like i deal with all things that looks and sounds to good..
i have to hesitate..

udah dua hari ini gw denger pertanyaan yg udah mengejar2 gw bertaun2..
"is this what you really want, yu?"

and the hesitation flooded me so badly that i finally decided to skip the first trial for the course..

ade gw memaksa gw sm emak ntn laskar pelangi..
(sebenernya hari minggu kemaren dia hampir berhasil bikin kita sekeluarga ntn itu setelah 12 taun ga ntn bareng.. sayang tiketnya abis,, nice kid yaaa? hehe!)
and as much as i hate to show my emotional-vulnerability to anyone..
gw nangis2 ajaaa gitu..

yg paling dudul lagi,,
gw itu nangis (diem2 tentunya..) pas mereka pasang qoute UUD'45 (yg sudah diamandemen mungkin..),
"Pasal 31: Semua warga negara berhak menerima pendidikan"

and i hesitated?
shoot.. xC

segitu banyaknya org yg pgn sekolah tapi ga bisa..
dan gw malah bingung pas disuruh sekolah lagi.
have i lost my mind??

i'm taking the call..
and this,, is what i want.. soberly! (amien!)

mari sekolaaaah, kawan2!!! xD