Wednesday, June 30, 2010

.my new deepest darkest secret.

Yesterday was officially my new worst day in life after 6th march 2005.
It was the day i call in all sort of favors from my friends to avoid dealing with police due to an incident.

Gw rasa, gw butuh ini.
Gw butuh untuk diingatkan dan disentil untuk terus bersyukur.
And i deserve this. I really do.

Its funny how I used to say, "Everything has a consequence." to my friends as suggestion like I know it by heart.
Because its apparent now that I myself have to be reminded over and over again of the price from an single action and decision.

I'm really sorry for all that has been troubled last night by me. Really am. :(

Dan terima kasih, Tuhan. For giving me a chance to see the mistakes.
And for the opportunity to fix myself to be better in the future.


This post gives each a special thanks to:
Arya, Mbah, Ega, Guncrot, Sapron, Gaper, Yordi..
and last but certainly not least.. my parents.
For being there when i needed it the most and
for their friendship, trust and love.

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