Sunday, April 17, 2011

the silly cupid chronicles - part 2

about ten years ago, on my high school prom..
i was broken hearted with the fact that my best friend can't be with someone she loves most due to different believes. to give that reason a stronger validation, nyokapnya sahabat gw ini adalah mualaf setelah nikah dengan bokapnya. di sisi lain, nyokapnya cowo ini pindah dari muslim setelah nikah dengan bokapnya.

suffice to say, their families were not jumping ups and downs about their relationship. :S

gw rasa disitu pertama kalinya gw mencatat,

kalau ada dua faktor eksternal yang esensial buat satu hubungan di Indonesia.

pertama itu agama, alasan legal formalnya mungkin karena KUA kita gak bisa meregister satu pernikahan dengan dua agama yg berbeda. alasan lainnya mungkin karena susah untuk ngebangun keluarga dengan dua kepercayaan. i wouldn't know for sure, but i tend to agree and able to relate with these two reasons. my mom also became a moslem after her marriage to my dad. and i'm pretty much grateful that i don't have to choose. hehe..

faktor yang kedua adalah keluarga.

and families are just the trickiest.

they mean well, but often does not execute well on their intentions.

add that with the pressure and expectations they put on you?

ohohoho! prepare to enjoy simple a feast of delight.,

right before a death sentence. :S

taun 2011 ini, di hotel yang sama kaya tempat prom gw dulu.

i have to watch another best friend falls apart over her love.

and it breaks my heart all over again.

cerita di tokoh ini sebnernya siih sama kaya tokoh di cerita silly cupid yang pertama dulu.

si cupi dan bung cupu.

remember that triple date story where one of the couples made up and the other didn't?

well, this is the one that did NOT made up.

the only difference, is that their stake is much higher now.

for my dear cupi is supposed to be married in two months time.

*i 'm very much clueless about the why or how*

all she has ever told me, is that she's getting married because her brother wants to get married and her mom objects the fact that she will be stepped over. ( --- excellent reason to get hooked, cup! -_-")

and at the moment, all i know is that she seems to be desperately in love with a guy...

that is not her fiancé.

and the guy loves her back. he has loved her from before all this complication i guess.

but thanks to his terrible timing and her mind-wrecking indecisiveness,

they are going through a really hardcore sh*tty times right now.

on the dillemma of keeping their commitments and idealism, or standing up for their feelings.

so for the second time in my life; as a cupid, i have no idea what to do.

what would you do if you know your best friend is engaged and yet is in love with someone else?

would it be right to encourage her to pursuit her love?

or should you advise her to stay to her promise instead?

clearly she's not thrilled about her wedding.

and maybe this is just her jitters.

maybe she's just curious about this one person that got away.

that particular one person that was stuck on her mind up to the time she was getting engaged.

the one person that single handedly broken her heart and shattered it to pieces just before she said yes to her guy's proposal.

but what if it's not just a last fling?

should they take that leap of faith? now?


i sincerely want her to be happy.

at the end of the day,

i'm just afraid that she will look back to these days and regret not taking that chance to grab on to her feelings.

don't get me wrong.. i've no doubt that her current husband-to-be will do everything to please her.

but completeness is always a high standard.

and you're just not complete with pieces of your hearts shattered all over the place. :(

on that first story i told up front.

my best friend is married with two adorable kids now. she's been married for 5 or 6 years i guess.

her hubby worked abroad on the early years so she was away from this country during most of those times.

but just about a few years back when i was googling my name (just for research! :p).

i found this super cute blog with falling stars and princess' and knights' siluet.

i'd recognize that "ksatria, putri & bintang jatuh' theme anywhere.. it's my best friend's blog!

and on one beautifully written poetic short story style passage (the way she typically wrote),

she wrote about her recent conversation with that high school sweet heart.

and how he suggested a name for the baby that she was carrying at that time.

that alone made me cried in the office.

i cant help to think; "why can't they be together?"

i know the answers i guess.

but that silly part of me just kept on questioning it.

"why can't they be together?"

why give them feelings if they can't keep it?

is that not, cruel? :(


i can't help myself to question that same old question again now.

ten years after it was first asked. and it remained unanswered.

if only life can be one of those romantic comedy movie where you can sweep the bride of the altar just by saying:

"I object! please don't marry him.. i love you!"

(and surely they would lived happily ever after..)

but can it be?

i wish it can.

i truly wish it can.

fingers crossed for this one. all four sets of them. :(

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